At Lexer we maintain an intense agenda of meetings, conventions and conferences. During these days, one of the fundamental dates in our sector has taken place in Madrid: the 11th National Congress of Credit, that was held between the 19th and 20th of November in the Goya Theatre, with the participation of Lexer as a Gold Sponsor.
This important event brought together the most important companies in the credit industry in Spain, with the presence of important speakers and specialists. Among them, we are happy to point out, was the director of the Legal Department of Lexer, Ana Enguix, who participated in an interesting debate on “Mortgage and judicial recovery: legislative novelties and latest jurisprudence”.
A large part of the congress revolved around the future of the sector and how new technologies will condition the way in which credits are granted and collected: from voice signatures to collection management through callbots.
It is precisely on this last point that Lexer has been working and achieving satisfactory results. The bots we use in our management processes adapt artificial intelligence to the services we offer, automating actions with a natural language that allows them to maintain fluid conversations.
The bots are configured for recovery, allowing us to arrange calls, set up a payment schedule or make payments by credit card or other methods. In addition, they are capable, among other functions, of displaying pending receipts, sending e-mails and SMS or issuing payment certificates. With them, we achieve a more efficient management of collections during the first days of non-payment, managing to solve an important number of cases through this digitalisation.
The future is already here and at Lexer we are not going to let it go.